Friday, December 5, 2014

Perchten Pagan Festival

Perchta or Berchta, also known as Percht, is a goddess in Southern Germanic paganism found in the Alpine countries and means "the bright one".

The word Perchten is the commonly used when speaking of her entourage; it also refers to the type of masks worn in the mountains of Austria that are animal or fantasy-like.  

During the 16th century it was believed that the Perchten took two forms, some were beautiful and benevolent bringing prosperity and good fortune to the inhabitants.  However, there is a darker more demon-like variety of Perchten known as 'Schiachperchten' who were terrifying.  They possessed ugly faces, protruding eyes, sharp fangs and tail of a horse; these were the ones that were called upon to drive out any demons or ghosts from the village.

A form of exorcists for home security, this particular form of Perchten were invited into the home in order to find and drive out any ill-spirits that might be hiding, causing misfortune and havoc for the inhabitants.

The tradition continues as part of the holidays of Salzburg and Austria today.

Perchten Pagan Festival

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