Friday, April 11, 2014

Incense Blend I


Sandalwood    1T
Frankincense  1 Tsp
Myrrh            1/2 Tsp
Bay              1/2 Tsp
Clove            3/4 Tsp
Benzoin         1/2 Tsp
Honey           2 Tsp

Ingredient Background

Sandalwood : Santalum Album
Planet - Moon
Element - Water

Basic Powers: Sacred, consecration, protection, exorcism, divination, meditation.

Attributes: Warm, The heartwood is a bit spicy, sweet, and distinct; blends well with others combining the notes with a gifted capability.

Mindful Use: It is endangered due to modernization and strictly controlled by the Indian Government.  Sandalwood oil is one of the most valuable and expensive raw materials used in perfumery and often referred to as 'liquid gold'.  The wood used in incense comes from the heartwood of the tree.

Frankincense:  Boswellia Carterii
Planet: Sun
Gender: Male
Element: Air and fire

Basic Powers: Cleansing, sacred, exorcism, consecrations, empowering, protection.

Mindful Use:  Resin drips from gash made by the harvester in the tree which causes it to bleed and harden.  The bits and pieces when gathered are called 'tears'.  Endangered due to its over harvest.

Myrrh: Commiphora Myrrha
Planet: Moon
Gender: Feminine
Element: water

Basic Powers: Meditation, purification, exorcism, death, consolation.

Mindful Use:  Best burned with other woods and resins due to it's bitter aroma.

Bay: Laurus nobilis
Planet: Sun
Gender: Male
Element: Fire

Basic Powers: Protection, Healing, Psychic Powers, Strength, Purification

Clove: Eugenia Carophyllus
Planet: Jupiter
Gender: Masculine
Element: Fire

Basic Powers: Protection, Exorcism, Romance, Prosperity, to End gossip, Bereavement

Benzoin: Styrax benzoin
Planet: Sun
Gender: Male
Element: Air

Basic Powers: Purification, prosperity, concentration, astral projection protection, success.

Honey: Mel Mellis
Planet: Earth & Sun
Gender: Feminine and masculine
Element: Fire

Basic Powers: Used as a binder in incense formulas enabling ingredients o blend together and be shaped as needed.  Healing, cleansing, victory, purity, strength, protection, love.  Sacred to the Gods.  Honey use is throughout the world and deep into ancient history. Honey is frequently used as a talisman and symbol of sweetness.

Mindful Use: Honey produced from flowers of oleanders, rhododendrons, mountain laurels, sheep laurel, and azaleas may cause honey intoxication and should be avoided. Symptoms can include dizziness, weakness, excessive perspiration, nausea, and vomiting.

Scott Cunningham Magickal Herbalism
A Druid's Herbal Ellen Everett Hopman

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