Friday, September 6, 2013

The Charitable Physitian, circa 1639

From the work of by Philibert Guibert,  


"To make Oyle of Roses three wayes:
The first way is, take a pound of red Rose buds,
beat them in a marble morter with a woodden pestle,
then put them into an earthen pot,
poure upon them foure pound of oyle of Olives,
let them infuse the space of moneth in the Sunne,
or the chimney corner stirring them sometimes, then heate it, a
nd presse it, and straine it, and put it inot the same pot or other vessell to keepe.
The second is take halfe a pound of red Roses,
and halfe a pound of Damaske,
beate them together in a marble morter,
and put them into a pot, and poure upon them foure pound of oyle,
let them infuse the space of twelve houres,
pour them all into a pan and boyle them two or three boylings,
straine and presse them in a strong towel in the presse,
in the meane time put in the pot as many more Roses
poure the oyle upon them and so beate them
presse them and put Roses to the oyle three times,
boyle it until all the humidity bee consumed.
The third is to take all Damask Roses and make three infusions as before."
reprinted in Rohde's The Scented Garden.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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Aonitum Napellus