Saturday, October 27, 2012

Entering the Twylyte

In order to ‘ride the hedge’ one must learn the skills necessary to do so by ‘Entering the Twylyte.’

Trance is used for a number of reasons, one of which is in order to ‘see’ from a different vantage point.  Not all divination, spells or charms can be created from a mundane mind-set.  Another term for this technique or ability is 'Crossing the Hedge.'

 Denizens of the Otherworld are important allies who help the practitioner acquire a clearer perspective into a given situation.  The use of the correct arte for the matter at hand is part of the Cunning Folks' stock and trade.

 A Hedge Rider is on a shamanic path within the Traditional Path.  Other names are Walkers Between the Worlds and Rim Walkers. 

 Hedge Riders often engage in 'Spirit Flight' and enter, within their race, the Otherworld. The companion on such journeys are moths, the night butterflies that slip between the worlds unheard.  Once there they act as mediators of messages from the Old Ones beyond the Veil.  Birds associated with hedge-riding are Crows, Ravens and Owls.

 As a hedge often delineated the boundary of a town, 'To Ride the Hedge' is to have the ability to cross the boundary between this world, the mundane, and the Other.  Whatever the symbol to the people of the barrier, the idea of the boundary is key to this Path. 
 The use of masks to 'Enter the Twylight' is common and worn to be recognized by the Otherworld Spirits as to who one is when they enter their realm;  this idea harkens back to a 12th century reference by C.E. Law :  'Woman, I saw you riding the fence switch with loose hair and belt, the troll skin (mask), at the time when night and day are equal.'

 Hedge Riders are seen astride a broom, riding-pole or pitchfork, many times turned backwards to the classic 'flying witch' depictions of today and represent the phallic energy of the Great Horned God of the Witches.  They are also known to be forked at the end which became the tool called a stang. 

 Today some hearths and solitaries use ointments' to achieve altered states of consciousness, while others train in the yogic skills of meditation.  One uses 'Spirit Flight' to speak with the Old Ones, ancestors and entities.  


Paintings: Luis Riardo Falero