Monday, November 19, 2012

Courses and Wales

There's a comfort in the sound of the needles as they click and slide off each other.  Aware of the yarn as it moves along my fingers brings the sense of being purely 'in the moment'.  The added comfort that I can instill into the piece a prayer, simply by reciting it quietly to myself or in hushed tones as each row is completed, is rewarding.  A form of spell weaving, pure, simple, quiet and deliberate. A deepening of the gift to be bestowed to the recipient.

Intentionally instilling 'protection' into the article for the purpose of safe  travel might be achieved using silver needles and yellow yarn 'worked' on a Wednesday the day of Mercury.  Specific stitches creating  'triangular' patterns, symbols of creation, using blue needles for an expectant mother. 'Fortitude' woven into a shawl displays strength and perseverance by using cable stitches and yarn in tones of earth and stone by needles flaming-red, capped with agates.

Imparting favorite memories in a blend of color and texture is as intriguing as it is magical. Such variation and symmetry all from a single strand, much like life weaving itself through time.

Knitting connects me to my ancestors.  I imagine them sitting patiently creating beauty and warmth. I relish the idea of giving time to something so simple, so satisfying, one that runs it's course with purpose and growing skill. 

Done alone or in quiet company, the small space in which I sit expands into a complex exchange of intention and form. Indulged in anywhere, whether in front of the fire or outside in nature this pastime allows me the ability to create and pause, as desired, to watch the images in firelight or catch, from the corner of my eye, the descent of a leaf from the changing canopy above.

However viewed, for whatever purpose created, knitting is an old and valuable form of magic.

2. Vincent Van Gogh  Woman at the Window Knitting